Supporting International Initiatives


Page Image:Supporting International Initiatives

LIXIL’s Purpose is to “make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere.” To bring our purpose to life through our operational activities, we are driving a range of R&D and other initiatives to help resolve global sanitation and hygiene problems as well as other social and environmental issues.

To meet and exceed society’s expectations for LIXIL, we must take active leadership as a global company of pioneering water and housing products. We support and implement the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and provide our expertise in areas of sanitation to help create safe and healthy living spaces for all, as envisioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Commitment to the UN Global Compact

LIXIL signed the UNGC in July 2013 in full support of the principles set out in the framework. In order to help implement the UNGC Ten Principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, in FYE2023 we shared information with other parties as a member of Global Compact Network Japan working groups (supply chain, environmental management, circular economy, disaster risk reduction [DRR], ESG, reporting, SDGs, and human rights education).

United Nations Global Compact (A new page will open) >

Global Compact logo

Sustainable Development Goals

LIXIL reflects the SDGs approach in our Impact Strategy. To help achieve the SDGs as part of our business, we focus on the three pillars of our Impact Strategy: Global Sanitation & Hygiene, Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability, and Diversity & Inclusion.

SDGs logo

Three Strategic Pillars and Their Relevance to the SDGs

SDGs relating three strategic pillars: Global Sanitation & Hygiene (Goals 3, 5, 6, 9, 17), Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability (Goals 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), Diversity & Inclusion (Goals 5, 8, 9, 10)

In July 2021, we participated as a private company representative in the United Nation’s High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and talked about the unique sustainable innovation generated by our SATO toilet solutions intended for use in emerging markets, as well as the importance of collaboration for improving global sanitary environments.

Then in FYE2023, the leader of the SATO business division and LIXIL Public Partners participated in a panel discussion side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference held during World Water Day over March 22 and 24. The pursuit of water sustainability is also closely linked to the UN SDGs. Under the annual theme “Accelerate Change,” World Water Day provided the opportunity for companies, associations, organizations, and people around the world to consider how they can make faster change happen, and LIXIL was honored to play a part.

The UN 2023 Water Conference panel discussion

The UN 2023 Water Conference panel discussion

LIXIL was recognized in the 2nd Japan SDGs Awards for our contribution to solving sanitation and hygiene problems through our SATO business and by working with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and international bodies to raise broader awareness of sanitation issues.

Global Sanitation & Hygiene >
Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability >
Diversity & Inclusion >
Details of the UN 2023 Water Conference panel discussion (A new page will open) >
Details about our winning at the 2nd Japan SDGs Awards (A new page will open) PDF: 503KB >


In December 2020, we launched LIXIL x SDGs NEXT STAGE to further accelerate action for achieving the SDGs in partnership with our stakeholders in Japan, which include customers, business partners, local governments and residents, shareholders and investors, international organizations, NGOs, and non-profit organizations.


The project is especially focused on strengthening partnerships with LIXIL customers, business partners, and the next generation. To that aim, we disseminate information and hold events and campaigns related to the SDGs and our initiatives. We also post awareness-building videos and images on our official Instagram account that was established in May 2022 as well as on our YouTube channel.

LIXIL x SDGs NEXT STAGE (Japanese only, a new page will open) >
LIXIL × SDGs NEXT STAGE Instagram (Japanese only, a new page will open) >

LIXIL SDGs Ambassador

In December 2020, we appointed former Japan national football team player Atsuto Uchida as the LIXIL SDGs ambassador under the LIXIL x SDGs NEXT STAGE.

During his NEXT STAGE after retiring as an athlete, Uchida is looking to help tackle global issues and create a more habitable world for the next generation through his activities as the LIXIL SDGs ambassador.

As part of this initiative, in FYE2023 we held a LIXIL Universal Run Experience event for families to learn about the SDGs together with Uchida.

Atsuto Uchida and other participants at the LIXIL Universal Run Experience event

Atsuto Uchida and other participants at the LIXIL Universal Run Experience event

Our Universal Run: Sports Prosthetic Limb Experience Class program provides children with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of diversity by meeting athletes who use sports prosthetics and by trying the devices out themselves. A total of 14 elementary and middle school students joined with their parents and tried the prosthetics together with Uchida, who ended the day with a message encouraging everyone to share what they experienced with their families, schools, and local communities.

In addition, the Atsuto Uchida’ SDGs School! Program on YouTube conveys information on various themes, such as sanitation and hygiene issues, climate change, and universal design. All proceeds gained through the program’s YouTube advertising are donated to the MAKE A SPLASH! global partnership between LIXIL and UNICEF.

The LIXIL x SDGs NEXT STAGE ambassador Atsuto Uchida’s activity report (Japanese only, a new page will open) >
Universal Run >

Please visit the following page for information about our endorsement of TCFD and other environmental initiatives.

Environmental Communication >

