LIXIL makes pioneering water and housing products that solve everyday, real-life challenges, making better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere.
Progress in FYE2024 (as of March 31, 2024)
LIXIL considers the physical and mental health of our employees as one of our material issues because we believe that employee wellbeing contributes to creating vibrant workplaces and ultimately improves corporate value. Based on this view, under the Health and Productivity Management Declaration made by our CEO, we promote health and productivity management and use such initiatives to help improve the wellbeing of our employees.
Learn more about Ensuring the Wellbeing of Each and Every Employee >
We are working to enhance employee productivity and motivation by fostering an organizational culture in which health is the source to maximizing employees’ abilities, and also by building a work environment in which employees autonomously manage their own physical and mental health. Building environments that enable individuals to maximize their abilities through these initiatives is proving a powerful driver of value creation. Promoting health and productivity management will help build a more resilient organization that can respond quickly to changes in the business environment and help realize LIXIL’s Purpose to “make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere.”
LIXIL believes that the good health of all our employees is a source of the good health of our organization. We declare our commitment to promoting sustainable health and productivity management to contribute to making better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere.
In order to build a more resilient organization that can respond quickly to changing circumstances, LIXIL is striving to foster a corporate culture in which our employees — the core of our organization — can actively realize their full potential. Changing circumstances may change employees’ workstyle, but we will continue to be committed to creating an environment in which they can work in ever healthier ways.
We say to all of our employees, “Please understand that the most important factor in making better homes for everyone, everywhere is your health and that of your families. So please actively participate in activities that help maintain and improve your health”.
Kinya Seto
Director, Representative Executive Officer, President, and CEO
LIXIL Corporation
In Japan, under the direction of the CEO, who also oversees the health and productivity management initiatives, our operational sites, human resources department, occupational physicians, company nurses, and the LIXIL Health Insurance Society work together to establish systems to maintain and enhance employee health.
Our Chief People Officer, who is also responsible for promoting health and productivity management, reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year on progress toward the company’s health and productivity targets as well as any issues encountered and measures implemented. The officer also receives advice from the directors when appropriate.
Having identified health issues that can lead to the solution of management issues, we have created a strategy map for health and productivity management that stipulates key measures and indicators to solve those issues.
We set FYE2025 targets for key indicators relating to employee health, health awareness, and behavioral change based on the strategy map. Following this, we comprehensively analyzed and assessed the risks based on the data and identified challenges below as a result of this process in order to enhance the initiatives taken to achieve these targets.
We believe that solving these challenges will help strengthen our fundamental health and productivity management efforts and enhance our existing initiatives. Hence, we decided to focus on the following specific measures in FYE2024.
1. Laying the groundwork for effective health and productivity management
2. Committing to proactive information disclosure
3. Implementing and enhancing ongoing initiatives
* We conduct annual stress checks based on the Simplified Occupational Stress Check Form recommended by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for all employees working at LIXIL Corporation and its subsidiaries that have adopted a similar HR system. Any employee who marks a high level of stress is encouraged to go for a private consultation with an occupational physician.
Learn more about the Simplified Occupational Stress Check Form (A new page will open) >
Indicators | FYE2025 Targets |
FYE2022 Results |
FYE2023 Results |
FYE2024 Results |
Output indicators | Uptake rate of health checks | 100.0% | 98.1% | 100.0% | 100.0% |
Uptake rate of thorough examination after a regular health check | 80.0% | 51.6% | 58.6% | 71.7% (estimate) |
Uptake rate of stress checks | 98.0% | 90.4% | 96.4% | 97.3% | |
Implementation rate of specific health guidance | 55.5% | 28.9% | 38.5% | 55.5% (estimate) |
Percentage of eligible employees who continued to undergo consultation for preventing disease aggravation*1 | 100.0% | 88.7% | 86.2% | 90.0% (estimate) |
Outcome indicators | Percentage of employees with abnormal health check results (blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar, liver function) | 18.0% | 19.4% | 18.9% | 18.7% |
Percentage of employees with high stress levels | 8.8% | 10.5% | 10.4% | 10.4% | |
Percentage of sick leave days taken*2 (calculated based on the number of recipients of injury and sickness benefits) | 0.40% | 0.48% | 0.48% | 0.55% |
As of May 31, 2024
Scope: LIXIL Corporation.
Targets: Directly hired employees including senior employees aged 60 and over, contract employees, part-time employees working at least 20 hours a week, and seconded employees.
*1 One of the indicators that measures the “treatment continuation rate” performance indicator in the Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map.
*2 An indicator for evaluating the “absenteeism” outcome indicator in the Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map. Calculated using the formula: Number of days claimed by the LIXIL Health Insurance Society for injury or sickness ÷ (enrolled employees x number of calendar days). Enrolled employees in FYE2024: 17,356 employees at LIXIL Corporation.
Not only do we conduct annual surveys to help us understand and evaluate the latest status of our health and productivity management, but we also promote priority measures to solve identified issues and pursue initiatives that will help create fundamental platforms for maintaining employee health.
We conduct annual health and productivity management surveys of all employees*1, with the FYE2024 survey achieving a response rate of 95% (20,458 responses).
We also work hard to evaluate and improve each individual measure based on the survey results. For example, in the FYE2023 survey, respondents’ understanding of health and productivity management scored at less than 50%, so we implemented training for managers and all employees, regularly communicated health-related information through our company social media platform, and pursued other awareness-building activities. As a result, that particular response rate improved by 4.9 points in the FYE2024 survey. The survey also showed an improvement in health literacy*2 scores.
*1 Scope: LIXIL Corporation and its domestic subsidiaries that have introduced the same system as LIXIL Corporation.
Target: Directly hired employees including senior employees aged 60 and over, contract employees, part-time employees, and seconded employees.
*2 The ability to acquire, understand, and effectively use and act on necessary information about health and medical care.
Question | Results | ||
FYE2023 | FYE2024 | ||
Presenteeism*3 | Supposing that the amount of work you can do when in perfect physical and mental condition is 100%, please rate the average of your performance over the past four weeks. | 75.3% | 75.3% |
Understanding and rating of health and productivity management | Do you understand what health and productivity management means? | 47.7% | 52.6% |
Should the company engage in health and productivity management? | 78.1% | 79.1% | |
Do you think the company has successfully engaged in health and productivity management? | 40.9% | 43.8% | |
Health literacy | Are you able to take autonomous action to improve your own health? | 50.2% | 52.3% |
Women’s health issues | (Question for female respondents only) Do you have any symptoms that are specific to women? | 63.0% | 65.4% |
* A phenomenon in which, despite being physically present, an employee is unable to perform productively due to physical or mental health problems.
We offer comprehensive e-learning programs for all employees to learn primarily about our health and productivity management policy, mental health, disease prevention, and specific ways to improve daily habits. For managers, we also conduct education specifically on team health management.
Program | Participation rate |
Comprehensive health-related e-learning | 98.2% |
Training for managers: Health management of team members | 100.0% |
Training for new employees: Basic knowledge on physical and mental health* | 100.0% |
Training for new managers: Basic knowledge and workplace mental health for managers | 88.9% |
Scope: Directly and indirectly hired employees in Japan at LIXIL Corporation and its domestic subsidiaries (including part-time).
* New employee and new manager training sessions were only conducted for directly hired employees (including part-time).
In FYE2024, we revised our training materials aimed at improving employee health literacy, and subsequently received positive feedback through post-training surveys for both all-employee training and manager training.
In addition to these training opportunities, we also share information and videos on health maintenance from company nurses every two months, and make other efforts to create workplaces where each employee can be proactive in improving and maintaining their own health.
Since FYE2023, we have been increasing the number of company nurses to help enhance our systems for providing direct support to employees. As of April 2024, we had a total of 19 company nurses stationed at each of our factories and other sites to provide the appropriate support according to the specific needs and circumstances.
We have also established a helpline offering mental and physical health advice where LIXIL company nurses provide professional support on individual cases by phone or email. In addition, the LIXIL Health Insurance Society has established a system that enables employees to consult with external physicians and public health nurses via phone, website, or in person through the mental and physical health support line about health, medical care, childcare, nursing care, and other issues.
Furthermore, we provide support for employees who have taken temporary leave due to illness through our Return to Work Program in which HR, senior managers, occupational physicians, and company nurses work together to care for employees on temporary sickness leave and follow up on their progress and wellbeing after they return to work.
We included questions on women’s health issues in our survey on health and productivity management. In the FYE2024 survey, 65.4% of female employees said they were aware of symptoms that were specific to women.
Based on the survey results, we are focusing on expanding our support systems and structures by, for instance, setting up a special hotline for concerns related to women’s health, and adding hospital visits for menopausal issues to the available reasons for using Self-Care Leave.
We share information from company nurses to promote greater knowledge and understanding of women’s health issues. In addition to providing educational material on women’s health issues in healthcare training for all employees including managers, we also hold online seminars led by external instructors, which were attended by over 100 participants, including managers and male employees in FYE2024. 94 percent of participants returned a positive response in the survey conducted after the seminar, with some respondents saying they felt a strong need to deepen mutual understanding of women’s health issues, that menopause was a condition that needed to be treated, and that it was OK to speak up without hesitation when suffering from these issues.
Healthcare Letter for employees
Given the importance of daily efforts to maintain health, we work with the LIXIL Health Insurance Society to actively encourage exercise.
Application screen for the 2023 LIXIL Walking Rally
In April 2020, we banned smoking in all our offices and facilities across Japan. We are also trying to help reduce the smoking rate among our employees by surveying smokers and offering support to employees who are looking to stop smoking. Specific measures include providing free nicotine gum and subsidizing the costs of outpatient treatments to stop smoking. In FYE2024, we also held a stop smoking seminar sponsored by the LIXIL Health Insurance Society and extended support to 65 applicants for the “NonSmo” Smoking Cessation Program*. As a result of these initiatives, smoking rates have been decreasing over the past several years across LIXIL Corporation, and were sitting at 20.9% as of the end of March 2024.
* The “NonSmo” Smoking Cessation Program includes tools to help people stop smoking, the provision of supportive information via emails over 10 days, and six-months continuous support.
To help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, we distribute free medicines to members of the LIXIL Health Insurance Society and subsidize the cost of flu vaccinations. We also work very hard to implement measures to prevent the spread of infection and to alert employees of any risks. Such measures include posting guidelines on how to respond to COVID-19 and a handbook summarizing preventative measures against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases on the company intranet.
In Europe, we introduced the Employee Assistance Programme OPTUM with the goal to help our employees and their families to cope with their professional and personal life challenges and to create working environments where people can work vigorously with a healthy body and mind. We also set up an internal helpline that is anonymous and available to our employees and their family members at no cost. Employees can seek specialist support through the 24/7 helpline.
In Germany, we are also working to improve health literacy by establishing an internal community that enables employees to communicate and share initiatives designed to help maintain and improve their own health. One such initiative encourages employees to use the newly introduced healthcare app to input any action they have taken to maintain and improve their health to accumulate points, which can then be exchanged for cash depending on the number of points collected. We support the health of our employees through these initiatives and strive to improve wellbeing.
LIXIL Corporation was recognized under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program run by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2024 and also selected as the White 500 enterprise (Certified as the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization for the eighth consecutive year).
Our decision to implement activities based on a strategy map was strongly recognized, with the following initiatives being singled out for particularly high praise.
LIXIL Corporation has been recognized as a Sports Yell Company for the sixth consecutive year. We continue to promote initiatives that encourage employees to keep exercising to maintain and improve their health.
We believe that maintaining and enhancing workers’ health should not be the responsibility of a single company and its activities, but is a challenge that all working people should address together. LIXIL takes part in Kenko Kigyo Kai, an organization that shares health management best practices with an aim to enhance active and effective health promotion activities in society at large.
In FYE2024, LIXIL joined the Women’s Health Subcommittee and participated in a total of six subcommittee meetings. In the subcommittee meetings, we shared information and explored issues relating to our systems designed to address women’s health issues and workplace environments. We also investigated and considered measures on how to increase internal understanding, acceptance, and uptake of Self-Care Leave by women for menstruation or other reasons.