Our Targets and Progress



At LIXIL, we pursue our corporate purpose to “make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere.” To that end, we have determined material issues that we, our stakeholders, and society in general consider to be of the highest importance for achieving our company’s sustainable growth and improving corporate value for driving progress on sustainable development. LIXIL prioritizes areas that significantly impact our stakeholders and society at large and where we can make a considerable contribution to solving relevant issues by leveraging our strengths and taking proactive measures. We also prioritize areas where we need to strengthen our initiatives based on stakeholder needs.We made the following progress on our priority material issues in FYE2024.

LIXIL’s Material Issues >

Progress on our priority material issues in FYE2024

Material issues Target year Goals and targets
(quantitative targets only)
Progress in FYE2024
Global Sanitation & Hygiene By 2025 Improve sanitation and hygiene for 100 million people around the world Approx. 68 million people*1
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation By FYE2031
*4 By FYE2026
*5 By FYE2025
Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions: -50.4% (vs. FYE2019) -34.7% (CO2 emissions in FYE2024: 740 thousand t - CO2)*10
Scope 3 CO2 emissions: -30% (vs. FYE2019) -21.6% (CO2 emissions in FYE2023: 7,196 thousand t - CO2)
Ratio of energy- and water-saving faucets*2 and water-saving toilets*3 sold (Japan): 100% Energy- and water- saving faucets 94.1%
Water- saving faucets and toilets 99.4%
Ratio of high-performance windows sold for new detached houses (Japan): 100%*4 93%
Water Sustainability Water use efficiency: +20% (vs. FYE2019) +23.6%
Total water savings from water-saving products: 2 billion m3 per year*5 1.3 billion m3
Circular Economy Waste recycling rate: 90%*4 92.8%
Use of recycled aluminum: 100%*6 78%
Environmental Impact of Product Lifecycle Included in the above -
Environmental Management - -
Diversity & Inclusion By FYE2030 50:50 for Board & Executive Officers*7 31.3%
30% female managers across LIXIL*8 17.1%*10
Annual rolling target Maintaining gender parity in new graduate recruitment (Japan) 44.8%*9

*1 Refer to the updated 'Global Sanitation & Hygiene: LIXIL’s Impact Methodology (June 25, 2024)' (A new page will open) PDF: 717KB >

*2 Excluding products used for hot tub filling or full-body bathing that are not intended for use as energy- and water-saving faucets

*3 Excluding products designed for housing complexes

*6 Aluminum alloy 6063

*7 As of March 31

*8 Directly hired employees only. Excluding those working at consolidated subsidiaries with 100 or fewer employees in Japan

*9 New college and graduate school graduates who joined LIXIL Corporation on April 1, 2024

*10 Performance data for the fiscal year that ended in March 2024 are accessible in the 'LIXIL ESG Databook 2024 (Preliminary Data Disclosure: Environmental and Social Performance Data)', verified by an independent third party in June 2024. In June 2024, LIXIL obtained the Independent Assurance Report for the early release of selected environmental and social data, which is included in our 'FYE2024 Annual Securities Report' and 'Integrated Report 2024.'

  • Global Sanitation & Hygiene

    Global Sanitation & HygieneGlobal Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability

    Water Conservation & Environmental SustainabilityWater Conservation & Environmental Sustainability
  • Diversity & Inclusion

    Diversity & InclusionDiversity & Inclusion

