Diversity & Inclusion


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Progress in FYE2023

Ratio of female directors and executive officers
Ratio of female managers
Our journey: Past and Future
SDGs icon (Goal5, 8, 9, 10)

Situation on the Ground

The share of global population at ages 65 and above is projected to rise from 10% in 2022 to 16% in 2050. *1

While there have been global advances regarding women’s role in society, the global labor force participation rate for women is still just under 47% (compared to 72% for men), and it is estimated that in over half of countries the percentage of women engaged in informal employment exceeds that of men. Compared with formal employment, informal work offers fewer opportunities for promotion or wage increases, and is a cause of lower female management ratios and gender pay gaps. According to a 2022 report *2 from the International Labour Organization (ILO), women’s pay around the world is on average 20% lower than men’s.

Furthermore, approximately 15% of the world’s population today also live with some degree of disability, *3 and this rate is increasing every year. There are 9.64 million people in Japan who have disabilities, and while widespread compliance with the employment quota system for persons with disabilities has led to record-high employment (597,786 people as of 2021, a 3.4% increase over the previous year), opportunities are still limited.

In the SDGs No. 8, “decent work and economic growth,” target 8.5 has been set as “By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.” Achieving this target requires creating a sustainable society where everyone, including older people, women, and people with disabilities, can let their talents and individuality shine, and live a healthy and comfortable life.

*1 World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results (United Nations) (A new page will open) >

*2 Pay transparency legislation: Implications for employers’ and workers’ organizations (International Labour Organization) (A new page will open) >

*3 ILO (A new page will open) >

Our Strategy and Management

LIXIL is committed to providing innovative products and services that meet the diverse needs of customers in order to realize our goal of making better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere. To achieve sustainable growth by ensuring a truly customer-centric approach and realizing innovation that meets diverse needs, we believe it is important to build equitable and inclusive environments that enable a diverse range of employees to demonstrate their true potential. To that aim, we actively promote diversity and inclusion (D&I).

In FYE2018, LIXIL published our D&I Declaration. In FYE2020, we established a global department responsible for developing company-wide measures for promoting D&I. Then, in FYE2021, we established the D&I Committee, which consists of our CEO as chairperson and other executive officers and leaders. To further promote D&I across our organization, we also conducted a D&I survey of all employees in FYE2021, and used the results to gain a clear grasp of the current situation and any issues and to update our D&I Strategy.

Our D&I Strategy seeks to embed a culture of inclusion across LIXIL and to achieve gender equity by FYE2030. Recognizing the challenges our company faces, such as the gender pay gap and low proportion of female managers, we formulated an action plan to achieve our targets, and we are gradually implementing measures that incorporate D&I perspectives into our HR policies, talent development, and improvement of workplaces.

D&I Strategy, targets by FYE2030

Key Actions to Enhance D&I and Achieve Targets from FYE2022 Onward

Key Actions to Enhance D&I and Achieve Targets from FYE2022 Onward

In FYE2023, we launched a dashboard for leaders with visualizations of KPIs such as inclusion score and percentage of female managers, to enable each department to monitor the impact of their D&I initiatives themselves. We also published the Leaders Guide to advancing D&I at LIXIL that shares more practical case studies.

Additionally, as a key pillar of D&I promotion, we are also focusing on creating workplaces that make it easier for employees with disabilities to play an active role.

LIXIL aims to meet diversifying customer needs through innovations that leverage the knowledge and perspectives of our diverse workforce, and through numerous internal and external collaborations, so that everyone can live a healthy and comfortable life regardless of age, gender, and ability or disability.

Aiming to create a universally accessible society that enables diverse groups of people to live invigorating lives while respecting those around them, we promote universal design (UD) that is easy for everyone to use, and conduct awareness-building activities that foster understanding of diversity.

LIXIL defines our UD concept as “Good for One, Good for All, Good for a Lifetime,” and water and housing products that suit diverse ways of living, as well as conducts research and proposals for public toilet systems that everyone can use comfortably and with peace of mind.

LIXIL UD Concepts “Good for One, Good for All, Good for a Lifetime”

LIXIL UD Concepts “Good for One, Good for All, Good for a Lifetime”

LIXIL Universal Design Policies

LIXIL Universal Design Policies

We are further engaged in making positive changes in society by not only meeting the needs of end users, but also sharing information on our UD website and LIXIL Public Toilet Lab website, as well as conducting awareness-building activities to promote understanding of people with disabilities, and collaborative research with universities.

