

Page image: Community

Progress in FYE2023

LIXIL community day participants
9,500+ people
LIXIL’s Outreach Classes for Future Generations
Conducted 1,532times,
participated by 50,000+ people

Our Approach

LIXIL focuses on making a positive social impact in priority areas including Global Sanitation & Hygiene, Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability, and Diversity & Inclusion, as well as in areas where our expertise can make the biggest difference. When making donation and sponsorship decisions, we hold careful discussions about the purpose, use, and potential benefits of our assets to ensure they have appropriate and effective social impacts.

Philanthropic Contributions

(Millions of yen)

FYE2021 FYE2022 FYE2023
Cash contributions 883.7 872.2 791.0
Time 51.4 43.4 66.6
In-kind giving 31.1 37.0 75.9
Management overheads 518.4 297.8 332.9

Scope: LIXIL Corporation and its group companies outside Japan

Initiative Examples

LIXIL Community Day

Our LIXIL Community Day, held in October each year, is a day when executives and employees from all workplaces and regions around the world take part in corporate citizenship activities relating to our three strategic pillars during working hours. Employees take on the entire responsibility of planning and executing each team’s activities, which helps improve employee engagement and promote understanding of our Impact Strategy.

LIXIL community day participants
9,500+ people

In FYE2023, over 9,500 people took part in more than 120 Community Day activities, including community cleaning, outreach classes, and initiatives to reduce environmental impact. Outstanding initiatives were recognized through the LIXIL Community Day Awards.

Global Sanitation & Hygiene Award
Renovated toilet facilities in elementary schools and cleaned up beaches South Africa
Cleaned houses in flood-stricken areas and provided building materials Bulgaria
Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability Award
Employees calculated the amount of CO2 emitted in their homes and shared and discussed the data. Reduced CO2emissions by 1.2 kg per person year on year Japan
Diversity & Inclusion Award
Promoted interactions with people living on the streets and conducted unconscious bias training Spain
Let’s Do It Together Award (attracted the largest number of participants)
Offered door plate creation experiences at elementary schools and local communities, and conducted factory tour outreach classes Japan
Made to Last Award (activities continued for three years or more)
Helped girls attend school and gain access to educational opportunities during menstruation by providing sanitary products for girls and providing sex education for children of all genders Kenya
Impact Award (activities planned and implemented based on environmental considerations)
Cleaned up parks. Participants used public bus transport instead of their own cars to reduce environmental footprint US
Synergic Force Award (the team with the highest score relating to two or more strategic pillars)
Daily goods that people no longer need were collected and sold at bazaars. Gave sweets made by organizations that support people with disabilities to those who brought goods. The proceeds were donated to our MAKE A SPLASH! global partnership with UNICEF (The activity covered the three pillars of sanitation, environment, and diversity) Japan
Superstar Ambassador Award
Awarded to individual ambassadors who have conducted multiple activities in each region  

Developing Next Generation of Plumbers in the Sanitation Area

The sanitary industry is faced with a chronic shortage of skilled installers. To address this issue, LIXIL has initiated our GROHE Installer Vocational Training and Education (GIVE) Program to offer plumbing training at schools across the EMENA region. The GIVE Program allows students to gain knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and sanitary innovations through hands-on training and a theoretical as well as practical examination. After completion of their training, the students will receive an accredited certificate and assistance with work experience and job placements.

GIVE program participants

GIVE program participants

GIVE is already cooperating with 65 schools in the EMENA region, while aiming to reach up to 5,000 students per year. Additional goals are to provide vocational support to women and young people in underserved communities to give them good prospects for the future.

To develop the program, we are also working together with Don Bosco Mondo and SOS Children’s Villages as international NGOs that support disadvantaged children. In FYE2023, we started collaborating with WorldSkills International, a global organization that nurtures and supports the evolution of vocational skills. We will be involved in the development of installers through this partnership by facilitating the Plumbing and Heating skills competition at EuroSkills Gdansk 2023 and WorldSkills Lyon 2024. Through these partnerships, we aim to increase the impact of installers and the significance of the work that they do.

In the Asia region, we have implemented a plumber training program that includes on-the-job learning through the GIVE Program together with Don Bosco Mondo in the Philippines. In India, we have developed a program designed to help plumbers set up their own business by providing technical training and equipment, and we plan to open a technical training center for plumbers in FYE2024. In the African region, we are providing training programs on plumbing technology for women, youth, and people who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, we train future plumbers through our Trade Up program in regions across the US. In FYE2023, this program reached out to 27 vocational schools and colleges. As part of this program, we got together with Tools & Tiaras, * an NPO involved in career training for female students interested in entering the construction industry. Our employees helped hold a summer camp in New Jersey, the US.

Female students participating in a Tools & Tiaras program

Female students participating in a Tools & Tiaras program

* Tools & Tiaras provides job experience and mentoring opportunities for female students interested in entering a trade, such as electricians, carpenters, or plumbers, all professions in which women have been traditionally underrepresented.

Green Hospital Initiative to Help Conserve Water in the Community

LIXIL is committed to helping reduce water consumption in the Middle East and Africa, where water is scarce, in order to conserve water resources.

In FYE2022, we introduced water- and energy-saving touchless faucets in hospitals in Egypt based on our partnership with General Authority for Healthcare in Egypt (GAHC). This project went beyond saving water and energy in medical services by also helping to prevent the spread of infection and encourage cost savings.

A healthcare worker using a water-saving faucet

A healthcare worker using a water-saving faucet

Helping Improve Sanitation in Disaster Areas

We are working to help provide access to adequate sanitation to people living in areas affected by natural disasters or conflicts so that they can feel safer.

Inadequate or damaged facilities and insufficient human resources in disaster areas exacerbate already poor sanitary conditions and the spread of disease.
LIXIL is committed to helping ensure a safe and sanitary environment for communities in urgent need, including disaster areas, through teaching of plumbing skills and donation of SATO toilet solutions, a series of innovative, life-saving, and affordable toilet solutions.
SATO toilets were delivered to survivors of the 2015 devastating earthquake in Nepal with the help of NGO WaterAid, and in 2016, to people in Bangladesh with the help of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), an international NGO working to support people suffering poverty.

Global Sanitation & Hygiene >

Also in Japan, LIXIL provides a variety of natural disaster support including product and monetary donations. As part of our reconstruction efforts following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Northeast Japan, we are collecting and recycling windows and other aluminum building materials from temporary housing provided by LIXIL in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima. We also participate in the Yuinoba regional reconstruction matching project sponsored by Japan’s Reconstruction Agency, where we seek to solve problems facing local companies in disaster-stricken areas by helping expand their sales channels and providing expertise and fresh ideas.

LIXIL Disaster Relief (Japanese only, a new page will open) >

We are also working to provide disaster relief through products based on years of research on disaster-related problems. Our Resilience Toilet is designed with disasters in mind because it can be switched to use only one liter of water per flush in times of disaster compared to five liters for regular usage. This helps evacuation centers to adapt to water supply disruptions and other issues related to toilet facilities. We are not only promoting the installation of these toilets in schools, gyms, and government buildings that serve as disaster response bases, but are also using them for local community disaster response training.

Resilience Toilet (Japanese only, a new page will open) >

We also donated funds through UNICEF to provide local medical and educational support, ensure safe water, repair damaged schools and water and sanitation facilities, and provide psychological care to children in the wake of the war in Ukraine in FYE2022 and the earthquake in Turkey and Syria in FYE2023.

LIXIL Provides Donations to Support Ukraine >

Solving Sanitation Problems in Nearby Communities

We are engaged in tackling sanitation problems within the US. We donate LIXIL products to NGOs that provide accommodation for poverty-stricken families and veterans with disabilities. In Lowndes County, Alabama, where 80% of homes are not connected to the public sewage system, LIXIL Public Partners (LPP) is working to solve water and sanitation-related issues by promoting and strengthening public-private partnerships, including collaboration with the Alabama state government, universities, public institutions, and wastewater treatment company FujiClean. Following the trial introduction of wastewater treatment facilities and water-efficient LIXIL fixtures and fittings in some households in the region, the project was given a grant of 2.1 million USD by the US Department of Agriculture in FYE2023 to expand the number of eligible households. This initiative has enabled us to improve sanitation for 100 households so far. In addition, we donated SATO Tap handwashing stations to the quasi-autonomous Navajo Nation reservation for indigenous Navajo to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Installing wastewater treatment facilities in Lowndes County, Alabama

Installing wastewater treatment facilities in Lowndes County, Alabama

Improved sanitation for
100 households in Alabama

Pioneering Solutions to a Sewage Crisis in Rural Alabama (A new page will open) >
LIXIL Public Partners (LPP) >

In Indonesia, we launched the Toilet Untuk Negeri project in FYE2023 to install public toilets in areas where many people gather, such as tourist spots. We plan to install these toilets in roughly 1,000 locations together with five companies that offer smartphone apps and crowdfunding services. We have already installed such toilets in tourist spots such as Bali. Our ultimate aim is not only to solve sanitation issues in different regions, but also to help revitalize local economies.

Public toilets installed in Bali, Indonesia
Public toilets installed in Bali, Indonesia

Public toilets installed in Bali, Indonesia

We also strive to improve sanitation facilitates and donate hygiene-related products to local communities in other parts of the world. For more details, please refer to the LIXIL Community Day section.

LIXIL Community Day >

LIXIL’s Outreach Classes for Future Generations

LIXIL is committed to advancing education for sustainable development (ESD). We try to address social issues such as global sanitation and hygiene, environmental problems, and diversity and inclusion by working with the children who will be stewards of our future planet.

We conduct outreach classes using original teaching materials centered around our three strategic pillars: Global Sanitation & Hygiene, Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability, and Diversity & Inclusion. Since 2010, over 50,000 children have taken part in 1,532 outreach classes held at schools and events across Japan. The program helps to strengthen bonds between local communities and regional LIXIL offices and employees who serve as lecturers.

Children participating in LIXIL’s outreach classes
LIXIL’s Outreach Classes for Future Generations
Conducted 1,532 times,
participated by 50,000+people

For Future Generations (Japanese only, a new page will open) >
Think Heat >
Promoting Broader Understanding of Diversity >
External Awareness-Building Activities >

Community Activities at INAX MUSEUMS

The INAX MUSEUMS in Tokoname, Aichi, which is best known for its pottery, serve the local community by holding exhibitions on themes of earth, pottery, manufacturing, and living. They also offer “see, touch, feel, learn” participatory experiences such as shiny clay ball making classes and workshops where local people can get their hands dirty in the soil.

In FYE2021, approximately 1,600 citizens took part in workshops held in collaboration with Tokoname City to create tiles for decorating the walls of a pedestrian deck leading to the entrance of the new city hall building.

Tile Art Project

Tile Art Project

Our CEO attended the completion ceremony of the new city hall in December 2021, where he was presented with a letter of appreciation from the mayor. In FYE2023, an exhibition was held to mark the 100th anniversary of uniform tile names as part of the Tile Art Project. Art works created by students from the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School using discarded tiles from all over Japan were exhibited at the museum.

INAX MUSEUMS (Japanese only, a new page will open) >

Supporting Children

Through our Christmas Tree Activity, LIXIL works with NGOs to distribute Christmas gifts donated by employees to children in need in the EMENA region. In FYE2023, we supported 60 children in collaboration with organizations that help children and youth whose families struggle with problems like poverty or alcoholism.

