Scope of Reporting



LIXIL is committed to providing prompt and transparent disclosure in order to earn the long-term trust of our stakeholders and achieve sustainable growth that benefits society. We intend to pursue activities that have an even greater impact on society by establishing good relationships with our stakeholders through appropriate disclosure, reporting, and dialogue.

We disclose information about our initiatives based on our Impact Strategy through our website as shown below.

Overview of Information Disclosure

Overview of Information Disclosure

Impact Strategy (Sustainability) Information (this site) >
Disclosure of environmental issues (In response to the TCFD recommendations) >
ESG Databook >
Integrated Reports >
Corporate Governance Reports >
Investor Relations >
Corporate Governance Information >

* Please refer to our Consolidated Financial Statements >

We also disclose information about initiatives being pursued in Japan and at our major bases outside Japan on the following websites:

GROHE Sustainability Information (A new page will open) >
American Standard Sustainability Information (A new page will open) >
Information relating to LIXIL’s contribution to SDGs in Japan (Japanese only, a new page will open) >

Reporting Period

We updated and published initiatives for FYE2023 (from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023) on July 31, 2023. The information is updated periodically.


This site covers LIXIL as well as the LIXIL group of companies. The definitions of the terms used in the text of this report are as follows:

LIXIL: LIXIL and its group companies
LIXIL in Japan, in Japan (depending on the context): Excluding group companies
EMENA: Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
Americas: South and North America
Asia: Asia (excluding Japan)

Please click the link below for data on human resource, environmental, and governance performance and other relevant topics. ESG data for FYE2023 will be published by the end of August, 2023.

ESG Data >

Reference Guidelines

●Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
●Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations

* You can find our GRI content index and TCFD report on the following websites. The GRI content index for our FYE2023 disclosures will be published by the end of August, 2023.

GRI Content Index >
Disclosure of environmental issues (In response to TCFD recommendations) >

Independent Practitioner’s Assurance Report

Please refer to the following website for ESG data and external assurance of these data.

ESG Data >

Please direct queries on this website to:

To Link to Our Site or for Other Questions and Comments >

