Talent Development



Our Approach

If our employees are the driving force behind value creation, talent development should be regarded as one of LIXIL’s long term priorities. Through our development processes, we focus on training next-generation leaders and employees with the right capabilities to meet our future business needs.

To create a working environment in which all employees can work with full flexibility and high engagement, we support career development from two angles: strategic company-driven career development, and self-motivated career development managed by individual employees.

From FYE2022, we launched initiatives that support the ability of management-level talent to bring out the best in their team members, with a particular focus on manager effectiveness. We have been gradually introducing various programs centered around building an inclusive environment, fostering human resources, and empowering teams. As part of the Manager Effectiveness program, we have launched the Leaders Guide to advancing D&I that shares more practical examples on how best to embed inclusion into our culture. To enable this further, more than 5,000 managers will be invited to attend workshops to practice these workplace inclusive behaviors. In the future, we would expect everyone to have a clear understanding of the expertise and skills they need to foster as a manager to support the engagement and development of their team.

We are also accelerating the training of high potential female employees to become managers and leaders. As one of the key pillars of LIXIL’s enterprise D&I Strategy, we are committed to achieving gender equity at LIXIL by raising the percentage of female directors and executive officers to 50% and the percentage of female managers to 30%, both by FYE2030.

Our System

To identify critical talents at the enterprise level, LIXIL conducts People & Organizational Development (POD) reviews for our business leaders and Executive Officers to discuss succession pipeline, high potential talent and female talent nominations. In FYE2023, 732 successors and 156 high potential talents were identified in LIXIL globally. Furthermore, we are expanding the scope of the list in some business divisions in Japan to search for strong human resources in order to promote the active appointment of young talent.

Through this POD process, we are seeking to create an inclusive working environment, and promote talent development and acquisition that consider diversity of all types including gender, nationality, race, and career.

This enables us to ensure business continuity even in times of emergency and to build a future-fit system for strategically selecting successors. We devise and implement training plans for each of the listed successors that are designed to build their individual strengths and address development areas by providing business assignments and job transfer opportunities and offering leadership training.

Succession pipeline
High potential talent

Overview of Talent Development

LIXIL’s talent development programs in Japan are designed to improve fundamental skills, develop stronger expertise, and grow as next-generation leaders. We have three types of virtual educational institutions, which are all intrinsically linked.

1) Basic School for Improving Fundamental Skills

A range of learning opportunities are offered to employees to match their individual skill levels, career stages, and career visions so they can acquire the necessary competencies. From FYE2022, we started offering internal online training focused on raising the overall digital capabilities across the company, which also allows people to choose the skills they want to learn and the level of difficulty.

2) Professional College for Improving Specialist Skills

Each division offers its own training opportunities to improve specialist knowledge, with the aim of improving the comprehensive strength and specialist expertise of our corporate functions and business units.

3) Selection-Based Program for Developing the Next Generation of Company Leaders

To accelerate the shift toward merit-based systems and a more diverse management-level talent portfolio, we are implementing a selection-based talent development program called NEXT that focuses on practical on-the job training for company executive and managerial candidates. We are also developing a Global Challenge Program designed to develop globally minded talent that offers employees the opportunity to work in an office outside Japan for a period of one year.

LIXIL Training System

LIXIL Training System

NEXT Program: Developing Next Generation Leaders

We want to create a work environment in which diverse talent can assume important positions, regardless of age. To that aim, we operate our NEXT program, which is designed to identify and develop talented employees with the potential to become the next generation of leaders based on merit-based credentials.

Program Overview

NEXT Tier1 NEXT Tier2
Target Those recommended by each department as future executive candidates Those recommended by each department as future managerial candidates
Development goal Aim to become a general manager, director, or senior manager within about three years Aim to be promoted to a managerial position such as group leader within about three years

Based on recommendations from individual departments and assessment results, we design tailored development plans co-created by the selected individual and the manager in charge of their development and accelerate their growth through interesting and challenging stretch assignments tailored to their development plans.

We also conduct innovation training to help managers gain the qualities and skills expected of leaders and to learn about the approaches required to realize innovation.

In addition to conducting regular one-on-one meetings between the candidate and the manager in charge of their development, we also provide a mentoring program that encourages their growth through a greater awareness and learning from other people’s advice, feedback, and support.

Separately, we hold roundtable discussions with the CEO and executive officers. With strong commitment from senior management, we drive initiatives that accelerate the promotion of program participants.

Offering Diverse Educational Programs

In Japan, LIXIL advocates self-motivated management of career paths as a key component of our Kawaranaito LIXIL human resource program to support career development and training for all generations. We promote the use of our LIXIL MANABO! learning management system and e-learning programs. We have also made self-study even easier with the launch of our centralized Learning-Hub intranet site, which collates information on internal and external training opportunities and enables employees to choose the right program according to their individual skills and needs.

In FYE2022, we introduced a LinkedIn Learning platform for global executive or managerial candidates, and, in FYE2023, we expanded the reach of this training to include certain employees as well. The platform offers an impressive range of over 17,000 training materials in seven languages, including courses, videos, and webinars given by experts.

Employees in group-work activities
NEXT program participants

The Americas region offers a comprehensive education program through its LWTA University to meet diverse needs. The University offers a great variety of online tools including webinars, video sessions, and e-books, with course topics ranging from leadership, management, and other basic business skills to compliance, environment, occupational health and safety, and product knowledge.

The EMENA region offers a comprehensive education program through its LIXIL EMENA Learning and Enablement online portal. The portal houses online learning content related to region products, systems, as well as training offerings that employees can view online and register for instructor-led courses. In FYE2024, a new online learning management system will be introduced to enhance access and delivery of online learning contents.

Training and Education Support Programs Conducted in FYE2023

Item Training Summary Participants
NEXT Tier1 A selection-based talent development program designed for company executive candidates 68
NEXT Tier2 A selection-based talent development program designed for managerial candidates 244
New employee training Basic training for employees newly entering the company 385
Corporate position specific training Training to develop skills and capabilities required at each position level 1,333
Management training Training for employees being promoted to management positions 131
Division training Training in each division to develop skills and capabilities respectively required for product development, production, sales, and other lines of work 51,263

Scope: Directly hired employees of LIXIL Corporation's bases in Japan (including part-time staff)

Annual Training Hours and Costs per Employee (FYE2023)

Scope Training hours Training costs
In Japan 24.4 hours 58,580 JPY
Global 19.9 hours 28,297 JPY

Scope: Directly hired employees only (including part-time staff). In Japan, only LIXIL Corporation.

* Training hours include online learning.

Scope and details of employee-related data >

Digital education program ‘DEJIRAKU’

In Japan, LIXIL provides the digital education program ‘DEJIRAKU’ to develop and enhance the digital abilities of our employees, with the aim of accelerating innovative changes across our business operations. Our digital division takes business needs into account when developing the training menu, and the program provides the digital skills and knowledge that can help all employees increase their productivity and make innovative change in the way they work.

Through the DEJIRAKU program, we aim to achieve a ‘digital democratization’ where employees outside of the digital division can proactively further business transformation driven by digital technology in each corporate division or at smaller organizational levels. In-house digital talent development will help increase productivity, transform our existing business, and create new businesses, leading to growth across our operations.

Career Development Support

We are developing a company-wide Career Journey project designed to motivate every employee and encourage them to think independently in their job. In Japan, the human resources department and individual business divisions take the lead in instigating various career-development measures. For example, we are developing frameworks that enable employees to challenge themselves in their careers based on their own vision through our self-declared career plan system. We provide employees with access to our internal Job Posting recruiting system and ensure they have a chance to discuss their desired career path with their manager at least once a year.

In FYE2022, we enhanced our support of proactive career development by introducing a system that enables employees to have concurrent jobs outside the company and trialing a new system that permits employees to allocate 20% of their working hours to another position within the company.

Evaluation Framework

To ensure growth and positive results are fairly rewarded, employees of all major LIXIL review their performance against their goals with their direct manager and are evaluated by at least two managers at the end of each fiscal year.

In Japan, we assess employees’ performance in two ways: through evaluation on individual performance over the past half year, and through behavior evaluation to help nurture employees and encourage their personal growth. All employees assess their own achievements against objectives set at the beginning of the relevant evaluation period and determine final review rating by going through an evaluation process. Managers seek to nurture their employees by giving feedback in interviews on each employee’s performance and communicating what they expect from individuals.

